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Under förra veckan kom många mejl med frågor som handlade om Ottos namnlista. Jag lägger upp bilden i en bättre upplösning och hoppas att det finns frivilliga som kan tyda texten. Hör gärna av er om ni lyckas. Här kommer del 3:


  • Moritz Gröning


    Just came across this list. It is very interesting, as it names key figures of the Confessing Church and resistance. Adolf Kurtz was a close friend of my grandfather and he had very close ties to the Swedish church in Berlin. I am currently doing some Reisetasche on Kurtz.

    Can you give me some background where the document comes from? Unfortunately I read very little Swedish (although my mothers family (Nordenflycht) derives from there, but that’s 200 years ago)

    Many thanks and the very best,

  • Moritz Gröning


    Just came across this list. It is very interesting, as it names key figures of the Confessing Church and resistance. Adolf Kurtz was a close friend of my grandfather and he had very close ties to the Swedish church in Berlin. I am currently doing some Reisetasche on Kurtz.

    Can you give me some background where the document comes from? Unfortunately I read very little Swedish (although my mothers family (Nordenflycht) derives from there, but that’s 200 years ago)

    Many thanks and the very best,

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